Should I negotiate pay? (Plus dealing with dogs as an independent adjuster)


In this coaching call, Matt answers Nathan's questions:

  • How do you know which storm deployments to accept?

  • Is the adjuster position disappearing in the insurance industry?

  • How to effectively negotiate rates with IA firms and when is it appropriate to do so?

  • When is it appropriate to end an inspection early if an insured/CTR is being aggressive?

  • What credit cards/Hotels are best for points/rewards?

  • What certifications beyond state licenses are most beneficial for acquiring skills/work?

  • Who let the dogs out? (Seriously, the gate’s open)

Mathew Allen

I teach new catastrophe adjusters how to get started in the business.  I also build my own websites and sites for friends (who sometimes pay me).  In addition, I film and produce personal adventure videos for hunting and fishing clients.


Realistic pay Expectations for new independent adjusters


earn 6-figures as a daily claims insurance adjuster