ON THEIR FIRST CAT DEPLOYMENT (and what to do about it).
You’ve spent thousands on training and gear. You’ve traveled the country attending trainings, orientations, certifications, and conferences.
Don’t waste this investment by failing your first catastrophe deployment!
The Elite Adjuster Method
The Elite adjuster Method
survive your first storm deployment…
And thrive in one of the least known, but most lucrative careers. No degree required.
The Elite Adjuster Method E-Book is the best and only resource available for helping you master claims handling time management.
Get this 20 year veteran’s proven method for getting (and staying) on the top firm’s first call lists.

the dirty little secreT
It’s time you knew…
Even though IA claims is a massive and still growing industry - it’s not an evenly distributed one.
A few people will get a HUGE piece of the pie, while most others fizzle out.
You’ve likely seen by now that the barriers to entry are pretty LOW. Anyone can do an online training, get a license and call themselves an adjuster.
But the barriers towards EFFECTIVE EXECUTION are very high.
Why is this good news for you?
As long as you can avoid the biggest blunders that sink most catastrophe IAs, the path is paved for you and your adjusting career.
One that allows you to achieve more freedom, create more income, and make a bigger impact on the lives of others - while scaling your career to true profitability.
The key ingredient to all of this is an effective time management strategy that delivers results.
Download the e-book
You’ve been studying. Hard.
If you’ve never handled a claim before in your life, here’s what you don’t know…
You’ll spend a large amount of your time doing things that they didn’t teach you in adjuster school.
Phone work, supplements, reinspections, revisions and corrections..
There are only so many hours in a day and believe it or not, you can’t call people at 11:30pm or look at roofs after dark.
So how do you get it all done - and not get behind?

Yeah, yeah.
Literally EVERYBODY is telling you that you have to be good at managing your time - or you will fail.
The problem is, nobody tells you HOW to do it.
Perhaps in your most courageous moments, you’ve made the commitment to start trying to figure this out.
You’ve told yourself that you’re probably going to need to learn how to be good at being organized. You should set up some kind of system that’ll help you be better at returning calls, finishing corrections, or getting to appointments on time.
But you tell yourself…
sound familiar?
Even with the best intentions, your chance of failure in the chaos of the first few weeks of a storm is so high that…
Why? Because only a fraction of the new adjusters who show up to a cat site will last the first three weeks, let alone close even ONE claim.
If you don’t show up ready to go with a battle plan for handling everything that comes at you every waking minute of your first cat deployment, it’s GAME OVER.
Without a clear plan for managing every minute of your first storm deployment, you will fall victim to:
Overwhelming phone work
An email inbox that is never empty
Supplemental (A.K.A Extra) Estimates
Endless corrections
A time-sucking sticking point in the software
Gear or laptop failures that takes you out of the game for a day or more
A lack of clarity over exactly what to do and when to do it

Here’s why this is irreversibly crippling…
As an already stressed out and busy adjuster, working 16 hour days, with phonecalls to make, houses to inspect, and estimates to write, you literally can’t afford to veer off course.
If you lose control of your schedule, your chances of success are slim.
Therefore, crushing your time management is one of the big things you NEED to get right the first time.
And luckily for you, VERY FEW people out there are doing it right.
In all likelihood, the adjusters competing with you for storm deployments and claims have either failed at good time management, or are so ineffective at it that it’s a wonder they get deployed at all.
Which means…
Even if you’re late to the party, there’s still a golden opportunity for you to jump in, clean up the mess, and convert your SCHEDULE into solid profits.
That is… if you can avoid the same deadly time management mistakes that your competitors are making.

People are talking.

Success on your first storm deployment means more than just a paycheck:
The best adjuster training in the world cannot prepare you for the true learning curve of a cat deployment.
If you knock your first storm out of the park, you will:
Turn-and-burn adjusters who scope 15 a day and try to write all night will be among the first to be cut from a cat deployment.
The adjusters who are fast - but also turn in complete, high quality files will be ASKED TO STAY and work the tail of a storm.
It’s a high honor to be the last adjuster standing on an event - EVERYBODY knows you’re good.
Reason one
stay on cat deployments longer
Reason two
Special assignments
Getting assigned regular hail claims out in the ‘burbs is one of the finer joys of this career.
But being a fast adjuster with stellar quality and white-glove customer service will also earn you the special assignments.
Like huge apartment complexes and VIP claims that will earn you more money and establish you as a true professional.
(Because even George Clooney’s dishwasher will break and ruin his floor).

Get more deployments:
Reason three
Having a top-shelf time management system will skyrocket your authority among IA firms and carriers alike, allowing you to pick-and-choose the best deployments so that you’re not wasting your precious time.
Get on the First Call list
Reason four
When a carrier calls an IA firm and says, “we need 25 adjusters for a hail storm - and if they’re available we’d like these 12 people,” it means that those 12 people have not only caught the attention of the carrier, but IMPRESSED THEM.
Even if you’ve never handled a claim before, if you impress your managers on your first cat deployment, you will be busier than you ever imagined.
Your REAL RESUME is how well you do on storms.
First Call Adjusters work more and earn more than everybody else.
Case STudy
Mark H.
Some of the most prepared people will wash out in the first three weeks of their first (and last) cat deployment.
Here’s a case study of what NOT to do from Mark, an adjuster in the AdjusterTV community:
I’m writing this at 3:55am and taking a small break from closing claims.
I was told to scope like crazy and then write claims. A few days later I was told to scope and write.
I have not caught back up.
Please do yourself and your clients a favor and only scope what you can write in a day.
I know you think, “oh I can handle it.”
Trust me you can’t handle scoping and writing 5+ a day starting out. I thought I had time to get caught up as it was supposed to be raining the rest of the week. Well that didn’t give me the 2 days I needed to get caught up.
I overscoped because I thought it will be raining and I didn’t want to lose money so I scoped like a mad man to build up enough to last me through the rain days.
Now I’m 20 behind and working through the night.
Keep this in mind when you get out on storm.
Mark had advanced adjuster training in scoping, estimatics, Xactimate, construction, and damage identification. And he believed that it would be enough.
It’s not enough.
If you’re LUCKY there’ll be a help room.
And even if there is a help room, it will be so full of newbie adjusters - just like you - that the 2-3 people working the room will barely have 2 minutes to spare for you.
You have to be prepared for the very real possibility that you will have ZERO support from the IA firm that deployed you. And understand that they will be at least as swamped as you will be.
And you don’t have the luxury of time. Many of the phone calls and emails you’ll get will be from your manager telling you that you’re falling behind at a terribly fast rate.
Cat deployments, especially major hurricanes, are complete and utter chaos on every front.
It doesn’t have to be this way…

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from:
✔ 20 years of experience
✔ Nearly 10,000 closed claims
✔ More than $2.2 million in fee schedule earnings
And channeled it into a comprehensive, step-by-step implementation program that teaches you the actual EXECUTION of effective storm management, so you can get started building your own (lasting, burnout-free) career in claims.
And it all starts with your FIRST STORM DEPLOYMENT.

The Elite adjuster method is the only resource of it’s kind that…
✔ Is built with focused, rapid implementation in mind
No filler. No unnecessary chapters, and no extraneous or premature strategies that look sexy on the surface, but do nothing but overwhelm you and sabotage your progress.
✔ Teaches you when to do everything
The 80/20 of what you need to be an organized and CONFIDENT adjuster that will set you apart from your peers. Build a reputation on your first storm as a GOOD adjuster who not only survived the trial by fire, but impressed the managers. IA firm managers WANT you on their team.
✔ Focuses on the “nitty gritty”
Not only do I make it dead-simple, but I take nothing for granted, and really go step-by-step to make sure you streamline your claims-handling with confidence.
Got called to work tomorrow?
The emergency QuickStart Guide is where the rubber meets the road. Learn everything you need to know to hit the ground running, FAST.
If there is limited - or NO - guidance available to you on site, this section of the book will tell you exactly how to:
✔ Manage your time down to the hour
✔ Prioritize incoming work (calls, revisions, reinspections, etc)
✔ Know what to say to insureds and contractors
✔ Avoid time-consuming chokepoints that will kill your production
Audio book
Best Value
Includes E-Book & Audio Book

The elite adjuster method is Perfect For You If...
You’re just getting started as an independent adjuster and you want to make sure you absolutely NAIL IT right out of the gates by using only the most powerful, easy-to-follow time management strategies.
You’ve already dropped a pretty penny on extra things like Xactimate training hoping to speed up your estimate writing…
Or the latest gadget or app promising to save you time on an inspection…
But the problem is, without a clear strategy that ties them all together, you will experience nothing but discouraging “why the heck do I even bother” results, followed by crippling overwhelm around what to do next.
You’re aware of the profitable doors that will open up once you’re producing results that put you among the top 10% of adjusters.
Commercial claims, large loss, VIP claims (hey, even Michael Jordan has homeowner’s insurance), special assignments, and first call deployment opportunities…you want in.
You’re excited to try the advanced time management techniques in this book. Even if you’ve been side-tracked and let down before, you’re currently feeling a wave of renewed optimism, knowing that with one click, you can be plugging yourself into an easy-to-follow yet super effective methodology for streamlining your schedule and compounding wins every day.
Did you catch yourself nodding ‘yes’’?
Then Elite Adjuster Method was literally written just for you.