Join IA Firms rosters in one click
Adjusters: Join a roster in one click | IA Firms: Fire your IT department
IA firms and adjusters, I'm talking to both of you today:
Adjusters: wouldn't it be great if there was ONE PLACE where you could get on ALL the IA firm rosters at the same time? Like a universal roster? And if a firm had some claims in your area for somebody with your skillset, then could deploy you - even if you're not already on their roster.
Wouldn't that be amazing?
IA firms: how much do you spend every year building and maintaining your roster? What if there was a place that could help you manage your adjuster compliance, without a patchwork of different softwares and documents and emails?
In other words, what if you could streamline your HR and roster management and save possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in IT and other costs?
Do I have your attention?
If you're a new or even experienced adjuster, there's a good chance that you want to try to increase your work opportunities. One way to do that is to explore other IA firms and get on multiple rosters. If you're a daily adjuster, in many places it's almost mandatory to be on several different rosters at the same time.
But man, what a pain to keep your profile current on ten different rosters. You just renewed eighteen adjuster licenses and now you have to go into ten different firm adjuster portals and upload that information. I mean, this kinda thing can take all afternoon. Wouldn't you rather be skiing?
In this video, I chat with Rich Maring, the founder of a new company called Adjuster Portal and I think you're going to want to watch this one all the way through.
At the end, I'll give you a tour of the Adjuster Portal dashboard, including how to sign up and all the screens and things you can put in there.
If you enjoyed this video, you'll love riding along with us on AdjusterTV Plus. Me, Chris Stanley, and Guy Grand from Veteran Adjusting School show you how to handle claims with confidence. We know it's hard to find a working adjuster who will let you shadow them, which is why we let you ride along with us on AdjusterTV Plus.
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AdjusterTV is the premier video resource for the independent adjusting community and we are committed to bringing you the best, most up to date, and entertaining programming to help you learn what adjusting is all about, if it's right for you, and how to build a rewarding career in claims. A career where you can help people in their time of crisis and earn a great living.
And as always, thank you so much for watching, and have a great storm.